Building blocks for children’s social and emotional wellbeing

Emerging Minds

The Building blocks course explores the foundations of children’s social and emotional wellbeing as a starting point to working collaboratively with parents to identify issues and concerns they may have about their child or children.

The course engages with practitioners from the understanding that the most critical aspect of a child’s social and emotional development is the context within which children grow up, which has a profound influence on their social and emotional wellbeing. The key concepts focus on child development within the context of the child’s family, community, and networks.

Building blocks is aimed at anyone who works with parents of children aged 0-12 years.

Allied health professionals, nurses, general practitioners, social services and early childhood education and care professionals will all benefit from learning how to work collaboratively with parents to provide them with effective and quality information and resources to support their children’s social and emotional wellbeing.

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