Building connections in the out-of-home sector

Runtime 00:35:48
Released 30/5/21
Emerging Minds Podcast
Building connections in the out-of-home sector

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this resource may contain images, audio or names of people who have passed away.

In this episode, Sue-Anne Hunter talks about her work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the out-of-home care system. She provides an insight into strategies practitioners and carers can use to help support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to grow and thrive, with a strong cultural identity and connection to culture.

Sue-Anne is a Yoo-rrook Justice Commissioner and has worked in the Aboriginal child and family welfare sector for over 20 years. In this episode she shares some of the challenges within the system, and how understanding culture and connection as a protective factor will help non-Aboriginal practitioners in their work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

In this episode you will learn:

  • the challenges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families face when entering the child protection system [00:07:31]
  • how family and kinship connections can strengthen and support cultural identity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in care [00:14:43]
  • strategies and tools based on a cultural framework which will assist practitioners and carers in their support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the out-of-home care system [00:32:29].

Further information and resources

Family Matters report, 2020 (Family Matters)

Understanding and applying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child placement principle (SNAICC)

Honouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices in healing family violence framework guide (Emerging Minds)

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