Using parallel parent-child narratives to support relationships

Runtime 00:31:59
Released 21/8/23
Emerging Minds Podcast
Emerging Minds Podcast
Using parallel parent-child narratives to support relationships

Parallel parent child narrative (PPCN) is an approach used by practitioners to support the parent-child relationship. It is a storytelling process that helps a parent and child develop a shared understanding of their story, or history.

PPCN allows for any misunderstandings or assumptions made by a parent or child over time to come to light and be made sense of. It involves recognising the good intentions the parent has for their relationship with their child, moves away from shame and blame, and encourages both parent and child to realise the shared losses within their story so that they can grow and heal together. PPCN can benefit child mental health and wellbeing in many ways, through recognising the importance of relationships and the vital role of the parent in the child’s life.

In this episode, Nicole Rollbusch talks to Jackie Amos, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with Centacare Catholic Family Services. Jackie shares her wealth of experience in using PPCN with children and parents. She explains what PPCN is about, its key principles, and the benefits it has for children’s mental health and wellbeing.

In this episode you will learn:

  • what is the parallel parent child narrative (PPCN) approach? [01:10]
  • settings in which PPCN can be used [15:55]
  • benefits of PPCN for child mental health [20:26]
  • how to overcome some of the challenges in delivering PPCN [24:30]
  • where to go if you would like to learn more about PPCN [28:18]

Further information and resources:

Centacare Catholic Family Services

Unravelling intergenerational trauma podcast (Emerging Minds)

You can also register your interest in the formal PPCN training at Centacare mentioned in this podcast.

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