Child and Family Partnerships Toolkit references


  1. Australian Government (2016). Closing the Gap: Executive Summary. Dept of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, viewed 2 July 2018, <>.
  2. Australian Infant Child Adolescent and Family Mental Health Association (2008). National youth participation strategy scoping project report, Factsheet 3: A-Z of encouraging youth participation. Viewed, 1/7/18, <>.
  3. Clark, M., G. J., et al. (2004). Cases for change: User involvement in mental health services and research. Research Policy and Planning 22, viewed 27 May 2018, <>.
  4. Co-Design Initiative (2016). Shared Perspectives on Authentic Co-Design: putting consumers and carers at the centre of mental health reform. <>
  5. COPMI national initiative (2008-2016). Lived Experience Partnership policies, procedures, checklists, terms of reference, forms and other related documents.
  6. Fixsen, D.L. & Blasé, K. A. (2008). Drivers framework. Chapel Hill: National Implementation Research Network, Frank Potter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North Carolina.
  7. Mental Health Coordinating Council (2018). Recovery Oriented Language Guide, Second Edition. Viewed 8 July 2018, <>.
  8. Northern Territory Health (2016). Aboriginal Cultural Security Framework. Northern Territory Government, viewed 2 July 2018, <>.
  9. Our Consumer Place. Getting an Initiative off the ground., viewed 27 May 2018, <>.
  10. Our Consumer Place (2011). Speaking Our Minds: A guide to how we use our stories. Our Community Pty Ltd. <>
  11. Price-Robertson, R., Olsen, G., Francis, H. Obradovic, A. & Morgan, B. (2016) Supporting recovery in families affected by parental mental illness. CFCA Practice Resource, Australian Institute of Family Studies. <>
  12. Rickard, M. (2018). Principles for Trauma-Informed Child Participation in Research and Resource Development. Australian National University
  13. Robothom, D. A., Jo, (2011). Service user and carer involvement in the National Mental Health Development Unit. Mental Health Foundation (UK), London.
  14. SA Health (2018). Consumer engagement and participation. Government of South Australia, viewed 28 June 2018, <>.
  15. SA Health (2018). Consumer and Community Engagement. Women’s and Children’s Hospital, viewed 28 June 2018, <>.
  16. Storm & Edwards (2012) in Smart. J. (2017) Shared Decision Making Literature Review. AIFS.
  17. Swan, P. and B. Raphael (1995). Ways Forward: national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health Policy National Consultancy Report. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
  18. Swarbrick, M. (2012). A Wellness Approach to Mental Health Recovery. In Recovery of People with Mental Illness: Philosophical and Related Perspectives. Abraham Rudnick (ed). Oxford Press.
  19. The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health (2018). Keeping child mental health in mind: A workforce development for supporting infants, children and parents. Emerging Minds: Adelaide.
  20. UNICEF Fact Sheet: A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Viewed 30 July 2018, <>.
  21. UNICEF Simplified Version of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Viewed 1 July 2018, <>.
  22. Women’s and Children’s Health Network (2018). Consumer Orientation Booklet: A Guide to Consumer Engagement in the Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) of South Australia. Viewed 5 September 2018, <>.

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