May 16, 2024

Emerging Minds response to the Australian Government Early Years Strategy

Emerging Minds welcomes the Australian Government’s Early Years Strategy, released on Tuesday, 7 May 2024. The strategy outlines a 10-year roadmap to strengthen integration and coordination of support for children from birth to five years, recognising the importance of these early years for development and lifelong health and wellbeing.


Emerging Minds Director Brad Morgan says that the strategy’s four priority action areas are based on evidence and key to developing collaborative, inclusive and joined up services and supports for children and families across Australia. These areas are:

  •     value the early years
  •     empower parents, caregivers and families
  •     support and work with communities; and
  •     strengthen accountability and coordination.


“The strategy aligns well with what we know nurtures infant’s and children’s mental health, wellbeing and development, and the important role that parents, community and different services can play in this. It is really important that the strategy strengthens the voice, agency and rights of children and their families at every level of action,” he says.


“There are many promising local examples of children, families, services, and communities working together to promote children’s wellbeing and development. We are excited about the potential of these strategies being actioned more consistently nationally and the positive impact this can have for the future.”


Emerging Minds has several freely available resources to support organisations and practitioners to develop their understanding of the early years and skills in working with children, parents and families. Check them out today.

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