January 8, 2018

Emerging Minds welcomes National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health funding extension

R-L: Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie, Emerging Minds Chair, Phil Robinson, Emerging Minds, National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health Director, Brad Morgan.

The Australian Government has today announced a $110 million funding package focussed on identifying and preventing mental health problems in children and young people.

This package includes a further $16 million for the Emerging Minds’ led National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health, a collaboration between Emerging Minds and the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), the Australian National University (ANU), the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). The program has been extended for a further two years until 30 June 2021.

The Centre launched in November 2017 and provides a free online gateway to innovative information, training and resources for professionals and services working with parents, families and children (from infancy up to 12 years of age) at risk of developing mental health difficulties.

The Centre is also building a national team of child mental health consultants who will work at a state and regional level to support the uptake and implementation of its workforce development learning products, practice support tools, information and resources.

The focus is to achieve early intervention by driving systems change and transforming the delivery of support services for children and their families.

Emerging Minds Chair, Phil Robinson, said, “it is hugely exciting that the Australian Government sees the great value in investing in early intervention and prevention regarding infant and child mental health. Addressing emerging emotional and behavioural problems in infancy and childhood can reduce their immediate and short-term impact and, in the longer term, prevent mental health problems developing in adolescence and adulthood.

“Our goal is to ensure that professionals have access to training, tools and support so that they are better equipped to identify, assess and support children and families at risk of mental health difficulties.

“To this end we are delighted to have been awarded a further two years funding for the delivery of the National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health, in collaboration with our valued partners. This initiative will support staff working with children at risk of mental health difficulties and their parents or guardians, to promote children’s resilience and well-being.”

For further information please contact Emerging Minds at info@emergingminds.com.au.

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