A story of resilience

Runtime 00:28:48
Released 23/5/20
Emerging Minds Podcast
A story of resilience

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this resource may contain images, audio or names of people who have passed away.

The assimilation policy in Australia’s history has left deep scars, the intergenerational trauma felt by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of the Stolen Generations is well documented, with lasting implications, including family violence, substance abuse, and the over representation of children in out-of-home care. What is not recognised in these statistics, are the stories of resilience and healing. In this episode, Darryl shares his experience not only with the adversity but also the things that have helped him heal.

In this episode you will learn about: 

  • the importance of connections, to family country and community (09:05)
  • the effects past policy has on identity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (13:00)
  • an example of the strength and resilience through adversity (15:00); and
  • the importance of men’s programs, through Darryl’s healing journey (25:40).

Further information and resources

The preferred terminology used by Emerging Minds in our resources is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, as guided by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing National Consultancy Group.

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