Autism, neurodiversity, and child-centred practice – part two

Runtime 00:23:17
Released 24/7/20
Emerging Minds Podcast
Autism, neurodiversity, and child-centred practice - part two

How do we best support Autistic children to navigate a largely non-Autistic worldIn part two of this interview with Dr Erin Bullusswe explore child-centred practice and Erin shares her wisdom around how to support Autistic children to feel confident in their identity and develop skills for thriving in the world. We also discuss the overlap between Autism, developmental trauma, and high sensitivity, and how practitioners might approach teasing these apart. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • How well is the neurodiversity paradigm being taken up by practitioners and services? (02:21)
  • Key principles for practitioners supporting Autistic children (04:29)
  • Overlap between Autism, developmental trauma, and high sensitivity (09:38)
  • Suggestions for child-centred practice with Autistic children (13:05)
  • Ways to help Autistic children navigate a largely non-Autistic world (15:51)


Further information and resources: 

Autism, neurodiversity, and child-centred practice – part 1:

5 Messages for My Younger Autistic Self: Things we wish we had known while growing up undiagnosed with autism: 5 Messages for My Younger Autistic Self 

Reframing Professional Language Around Autism in Practice: A practical guide to using respectful language in the professional context:

Read about the personal stories of people of all ages with Autism here:

Visit the resources page of Reframing Autism for a range of information on topics from stimming to wellbeing:

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