Working with children with high sensitivity

Runtime 00:37:39
Released 22/3/21
Emerging Minds Podcast
Working with children with high sensitivity

In this episode, Rachel describes how she has developed schema therapy and understandings of attachment to help parents and children in her practice, particularly those who experience high sensitivity. Rachel’s work is informed by research which suggests that 31% of people fall into the highly sensitive category, and that high sensitivity makes people more aware and reactive to the environment around them.   

In her practice, Rachel has helped parents and children to reflect on how they react in stressful or worrying situations, and how this might affect their relationships and mental health. She is careful to explore both the strengths and vulnerabilities that are associated with high sensitivity, in ways that can help make parents and children more aware of their reactions to certain events and to support co-regulation. 

Rachel describes the connection between unstable environments for children with high sensitivity and poorer mental health outcomes in the short and long term. She believes that practitioners who are attuned to the specific needs of children with high sensitivity are well placed to work with children and parents to develop shared understandings of their support needs. 

Father and daughter

In this episode you will learn:

  • what high sensitivity is, how common it is, and how it can affect children and parents [7:28]
  • how an understanding of high sensitivity can help practitioners and parents to better support children’s wellbeing, and how this relates to mental health [14:06]
  • some of the signs of high sensitivity in children [24:53]
  • messages that will support parents to help their child with high sensitivity to flourish  [28:13]


Further information and resources:

Autism, neurodiversity, and child-centred practice – part 1 – Emerging Minds

Autism, neurodiversity, and child-centred practice – part 2 – Emerging Minds

Supporting children through understanding regulation – part 1 – Emerging Minds

Supporting children through understanding regulation – part 2 – Emerging Minds

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