Co-design: Disrupting business as usual – part two

Runtime 00:35:28
Released 2/5/21
Emerging Minds Podcast
Co-design: Disrupting business as usual - part two

How can the voices of people with lived experience be authentically incorporated into resource and service design?

This episode continues the conversation from part 1, exploring the process of co-design through the case study of Emerging Minds’ practice paper, Supporting children and families: How does co-design invite us to think differently? Child and family partner coordinator, Lydia Trowse is once again joined by co-authors Jason Tyndale (child and family partner), Jackie Amos (psychiatrist), and Rhys Price-Robertson (researcher). Together, they reflect on their experiences and share advice for people looking to integrate co-design into their work with children and families.

Father and son


In this episode you will learn: 

  • the value of authentic human relationships [02:00]
  • strategies for managing disagreements or conflict  [06:02]
  • about the need to balance different perspectives[07:00] 
  • how to balance power [14:05]
  • how co-design processes might help families and children more broadly  [27:00]


Further information and resources:  

Supporting children and families: How does co-design invite us to think differently? – practice paper: 

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