Creating culturally authentic services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

Runtime 00:28:14
Released 9/7/19
Emerging Minds Podcast
Emerging Minds Podcast
Creating culturally authentic services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this resource may contain images, audio or names of people who have passed away.

In this episode, we talk with Ruth Tulloch about her experience in creating culturally authentic services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children. Ruth has worked in the community services and teaching sectors for 20 years. During the last five years, she has been involved in delivering the Aboriginal Community Connect program at Uniting Communities, working alongside elders and community members to co-design services that take a holistic approach to social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities.

Key learnings

  • The importance of asking questions about cultural connection (05:18)
  • Developing an authentic cultural supervision model (08:28)
  • Including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural models in services (13:00)
  • How to ask culturally sensitive questions (16:24)

Further information and resources

The preferred terminology used by Emerging Minds in our resources is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, as guided by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing National Consultancy Group.

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