Family violence and child-aware practice – part two

Runtime 00:45:28
Released 9/5/20
Emerging Minds Podcast
Family violence and child-aware practice - part two

Tune in to hear experienced family violence practitioners and other leaders in the field discuss some of the possible entry points into conversations about children’s wellbeing with mothers experiencing family violence and fathers who are using violence. They’ll also address themes of safety, complexity, and organisational support. This episode is the second in a two-part series on family and domestic violence and child-aware practice.

Featuring: Aerinn Morgan, Joanne Allen and Philip Martin from Uniting Communities Specialised Family Violence Service, Sarah Wendt – Professor of Social Work at Flinders University, and Megan Hughes from Women’s Safety Services SA.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The importance of generalist practitioners having the skills and confidence to work with parents who are living with family violence.
  • Listening for cues that can open up conversations with mothers who may be experiencing coercion, threats, put-downs, control, and fear of violence.
  • The many facets of safety considerations when working with mothers living with family violence.
  • Two key areas of conversation with fathers are asking what is important to them as a parent, and inviting him to be considering the impact of his violence and abuse on the children.


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