Parenting with a disability and responding to stigma

Runtime 00:35:17
Released 20/5/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Parenting with a disability and responding to stigma

When our families experience stigma it can be hard to know how to respond.

But there are many ways that families can and do respond to stigma, discrimination and injustice to hold on to their family’s dignity and support their children’s wellbeing.

In this episode host Nadia Rossi talks with award winning musician, writer and disability advocate Eliza Hull. Eliza shares her story about parenting with a disability and the stigma that many parents with a disability, and their children, have to navigate.

Parenting with a disability and responding to stigma is part of a series in which we explore some of the ways that families do this. We hope you might connect with some of the stories and skills you’ll hear, or maybe they will spark some new ideas for how your own family can respond to stigma.

In this episode, you will hear Eliza:

  • talk about her journey to becoming a parent and what she would want those living with a disability who want to become parents to know [3:45]
  • share the kinds of stigma she has experienced, how she has responded to it and how she navigates that with her children [9:21]
  • share some helpful ways she has found talking to children about disability and stigma, and not letting stigma turn in to shame [21:52]
  • tell us what she wants those who are not living with a disability to know and offers advice to those parents on how to talk to your children about disability [27:28]

Further information and resources

We’ve got this: Parenting with a disability

Eliza Hull books: We’ve got this and Come over to my house

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