Parent voices: Supporting children with disability – part two

Runtime 00:18:04
Released 27/6/21
Emerging Minds Podcast
Parent voices: Supporting children with disability - part two

Every child’s experience of disability will be different, depending on a number of interrelated factors. Many professionals now understand that a child’s ‘level of disability’ depends upon how well their support networks and community can accommodate and respond to them, rather than the child’s physical, medical or emotional condition itself. 

While not all challenging behaviours are related to mental health concerns, many are. It is important to recognise that behaviour can be a way (sometimes the only way) that a child can communicate their distress. Children’s wellbeing can be supported by working to understand the unique ways in which each child communicates their inner world, and by recognising that mental health concerns can appear different in many children living with disability. 

We would like to acknowledge and thank our child and family partners, Chris, Lisa and Jacqui for taking the time to share their wisdom and expertise with us. 

  Young girl in a wheelchair  

In this episode you will learn:   

  • how taking a family-centred approach will support children’s social and emotional development by recognising and supporting their significant relationships 
  • how taking a communication-focused approach can assist with early recognition and effective responses to any emerging mental health concerns. 

Further information and resources:   

Parent voices: Supporting children with disability – part one

Understanding child mental health and disability (e-learning course) 

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