Supporting the communication needs of children with complex trauma – part one

Runtime 00:24:08
Released 20/2/21
Emerging Minds Podcast
Supporting the communication needs of children with complex trauma - part one

How do speech pathologists support the needs of children who’ve experienced complex trauma? In this conversation with Kate Headley, a speech pathologist in the Links Trauma Healing Service in NSW, we explore her role in a multidisciplinary team that supports children with complex trauma living in outofhome care. Before working at Links, Kate spent many years working in the disability sector in rural and remote NSW and combines speech pathology with her work as a primary school teacher. 

In part one of this two-part series, we explore the role of speech pathology in a complex trauma service and examples of the way Kate works with children in the first session to create a safe and collaborative relationship. 

 Young boy smiling

In this episode you will learn:

  • about the Links Trauma Healing Service research project 
  • what is complex trauma? 
  • the role of speech pathology in supporting children who’ve experienced complex trauma
  • what is important to establish in the first session 

Further information and resources

Supporting the communication needs of children with complex trauma – part two (podcast)

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