Supporting your child’s emotions

Runtime 00:26:53
Released 10/4/23
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Supporting your child's emotions

Children experience big feelings, it can be a rollercoaster for them and you, as you both navigate daily life, from tears and tantrums to joy and laughter. There are so many emotions as children grow and experience new things, and it can be difficult for parents and caregivers to know how to help our children manage these emotions. 

In this podcast we talk to Ben Rogers, a father and occupational therapist who has spent much of his career looking at emotions and how to help children and parents manage them in a healthy way. 



In this episode you will learn:

  • why it is important to consider your child’s emotions [0:50]
  • why children find it difficult to regulate their emotions [05:09]
  • things that can impact a child’s ability to regulate their emotions [11:15]
  • your role in supporting emotional regulation in your children [13:08]
  • practical things you can do to help your child if they are struggling to manage their big feelings [16:41]


Further information and resources:

Youth voice: Behaviour talks

In focus: Supporting your baby’s mental health and wellbeing

Supporting a child with anxiety

Supporting children of parents living with mental illness

Your support networks: It takes a village

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