Using self-determination to support family violence interventions

Runtime 00:27:27
Released 31/5/21
Emerging Minds Podcast
Using self-determination to support family violence interventions

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this resource may contain images, audio or names of people who have passed away.

Craig Rigney is the CEO of KWY, a specialist Aboriginal family violence organisation that provides holistic wrap-around services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children who are experiencing family violence.

In this podcast you will hear how KWY walks alongside families to provide a holistic family model of care. Craig discusses how culture and other strengths are used to ensure a family-led approach that is based on self-determination. He also shares how KWY has embedded strategies that engage with, and listen to, the views of children, families and practitioners to improve outcomes.

In this episode you will learn:

  • why there is a need for family-led decision making when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families [03:42]
  • the importance of self-determination in the provision of specialist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family violence interventions [08:37]
  • the importance of taking time and building relationships when engaging with families who are experiencing family violence [15:24]
  • how to apply a holistic model of social and emotional wellbeing when providing support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families [17:19].

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