The early diagnosis and management of psychosis: Information for general practitioners

Orygen Youth Health, Australia, 2002

This booklet provides information for general practitioners about the benefits of early intervention on the short and long-term health of young people with a mental illness, specifically psychosis.

‘The early diagnosis and treatment of first episode psychosis can significantly improve the prospects of recovery and reduce longer-term impairment for many individuals. Whilst it may only be one or two patients a year that you see with a developing psychosis, the sooner their illness is diagnosed the better for them and their families.’

It includes the following topics:

  • ‘What is psychosis?’
  • ‘Who is affected?’
  • ‘Why is early intervention so important?’
  • ‘Achieving early intervention’
  • ‘Course of illness’
  • ‘Continuing care’
  • ‘Principles of intervention’
  • ‘Detection’
  • ‘The assessment’
  • ‘Immediate treatment’
  • ‘Pharmacotherapy’
  • ‘Psychological management’
  • ‘Assisting the family’

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