Happy Pants: a book about postnatal depression

Heather Gallagher, Australia, 2014

Related to Anxiety, Depression

When Mummy wears her happy pants we build sandcastles, go out for baby cinos and have lots and lots of cuddles. But when she comes home with baby Darcy, her happy pants stay in her wardrobe. 

‘Postnatal Depression effects 1 in 7 women. Happy Pants is a heartfelt way to help older children know that their mum’s postnatal depression is not because of them, that dads are loving and caring, families can support each other and that mum will get better with help.’ – Belinda Horton, Chief Executive Officer, PANDA (Post & Antenatal Depression Assocation)

‘With PND still often hidden or not spoken about, this book offers the opportunity to begin the conversation.’ – Dr Nicole Highet, Executive Director, COPE (Centre of Perinatal Excellence)

You can purchase a copy of Happy Pants from the Wombat Books website.

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