Infant and early childhood mental health: Collaborating with the family and the team to support the child

Emerging Minds and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), Australia, August 2022

Based on a case study, this webinar discusses practical ways in which GPs can collaborate with the team and coordinate care for the child within the current Medicare system.


Facilitated by Dr James Best (FRACGP and Chair RACGP Specific Interests and Young Person’s Health), the panel of presenters include:

  • Dr Ewa Bodnar (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist)
  • Dr Michaela Baulderstone (FRACGP)
  • Melissa McCosker (Child and Family Partner); and
  • Dr Andrew Leech (GP Host).


The learning outcomes include:

  • Identify the key aspects of infant and early childhood mental health practice during the implementation of a plan to support the child and family.
  • Apply skills in managing, reviewing and supporting infant and young children and their families following a child-centred, family-focused mental health assessment and plan.

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