Maternal Depression? Making a Difference Through Community Action: A Planning Guide

Mental Health America, 2009

Mental Health America developed this action guide for communities (and other organisations like them) to address the issue of maternal depression.

The guide aims to:

  • build awareness and acceptance of the need for a family-focused, community-driven approach
  • strengthen the capacity of communities to mobilise around a significant public health issue
  • promote the use of state, local and even neighborhood partners
  • spur strategic thinking that leads to effective community action and change.

The guide offers community organisations and other stakeholder groups an easy-to-use, practical framework to create a well-thought-out plan of action that is customised to their own communities. It provides:

  • an in-depth look at the issue of maternal depression
  • examples of outreach programs and practices
  • an easy-to-follow roadmap for action
  • tools and resources to use in all stages of the planning process.

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