Navigating cultural differences and ethical dilemmas when working with culturally diverse families

Child Family Community Australia & Emerging Minds, Australia, June 2024

Learn how to best support the mental health and wellbeing of children and families from diverse cultural backgrounds in our co-produced webinar with Child Family Community Australia (CFCA).

Panelists Pshko Marden (family therapist), Rhett McDonald (counsellor/advocate), Hala Abdelnour (CEO/Founder of the Institute of Non-Violence) and Amanda Kemperman (social worker) explore practices to help you maintain cultural respect, humility and curiosity when working with families from cultures different to your own. They also examine ways to reflect on and challenge your own assumptions, judgements and biases when cultural differences lead to ethical dilemmas.

Check out part one of this webinar conversation: Navigating cultural differences: Culturally responsive practice supporting families

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