Dismantling interpersonal racism to support culturally diverse families

Runtime 00:26:23
Released 6/9/23
Emerging Minds Podcast
Emerging Minds Podcast
Dismantling interpersonal racism to support culturally diverse families

In this episode, practitioners Julie Ngwabi (Emerging Minds), Etty Garabelli (Australian Refugee Association), and Steph Shavin (Victorian Transcultural Mental Health) explore how racism impacts the mental health of children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in Australia. The practitioners use their critical self-awareness and reflection to discuss how biases and privileges can be managed and responded to when working with children and parents. They share their anti-racist practice considerations, including understandings of white privilege and the inherent power imbalances that have been established over time and continue to empower some groups over others.

White fragility and decolonising practice are fundamental pillars of racial and social justice and have significant importance in human service delivery. These concepts serve as essential signposts for practitioners, guiding them in preventing the perpetuation of racism. By understanding and addressing white fragility, practitioners can confront the defensive responses and discomfort that may arise when discussing race and racism. This enables them to engage in an open, learning and collaborative approach to disrupt unconscious bias and racism.

Our guests place an emphasis on the need for education, challenging biases and promoting equity in mental health care. Join them to gain valuable insights and promote a more inclusive and just approach to supporting children’s wellbeing.

In this episode you will learn about:

  • observations of white privilege [02:19]
  • the concept of white fragility and what it means [03:59]
  • the relationship between white privilege and decolonising practice [07:08]
  • anti-racist practice and ways practitioners challenge and dismantle racism [17:06]
  • practicing cultural humility [18:18]

Further information and resources:

Understanding children’s mental health in culturally diverse communities online course (Emerging Minds)

Supporting culturally and linguistically diverse children and families who experience racism webinar (CFCA and Emerging Minds)

Approaches to support child mental health in culturally and linguistically diverse communities webinar (CFCA and Emerging Minds)

Cultural considerations to support children from migrant and refugee backgrounds webinar (CFCA and Emerging Minds)

How the experiences and circumstances of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) children and families influence child mental health practice paper (Emerging Minds)

Racism and its links to the health of children and young people fact sheet (VicHealth)

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