Parenting in rural and remote Australia

Runtime 00:27:17
Released 17/7/23
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Parenting in rural and remote Australia

Australia is a vast and diverse country, and families live in a range of environments from bustling cities and regional towns to more isolated and remote areas. Parenting is an adventure no matter where you are located, but it can bring unique challenges and opportunities when you are raising a family in the remote areas of outback Australia. Though the vast distances between towns and communities can mean limited access to resources such as healthcare, education and support networks, living in the outback can also provide a unique and wonderful family life. 

In this episode we talk to Petie. She is a mother to four children and lives with her family in a beautiful and unique part of the country.

In this episode you will hear:

  • Petie describe what daily life is like for her and her family living in remote Australia [01:07]
  • how Petie and her family have been supported by her community and how it has changed over the years [04:53]
  • Petie talk about how she managed the transition of her first child leaving for boarding school and maintaining the family connection [11:39]
  • the challenges and advantages Petie and her family experience living remotely  [19:24]
  • Petie’s advice to families who are new to living remotely [24:45]

Further information and resources:

Rural children’s voices – episode eight

In focus: Supporting your child through drought

Looking after your wellbeing during a drought

12 tips to support your child through drought

Supporting toddlers and primary school-aged children through drought

Supporting teenagers and young people through drought

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