Supporting children who experience bullying

Runtime 00:23:59
Released 20/3/23
Emerging Minds Podcast
Emerging Minds Podcast
Supporting children who experience bullying

Children’s experiences of bullying can vary greatly. Practitioners are well-positioned to sensitively explore these experiences with children. Children who experience bullying need support to reduce feelings of self-blame and understand that what is behind bullying behaviour usually has more to do with the child engaging in the behaviour than it does about themselves. Children’s connections with peers, family and more broadly, have a significant influence on how they experience bullying and its effects. Practitioners can be highly influential in these areas of a child’s life and work with children to build up their sense of connection.

This episode is part one of a two-part series on supporting the mental health of children who experience or engage in bullying behaviour. In this episode, Nicole Rollbusch talks to Jessica Staniland, clinical psychologist and Director of Counselling and Psychological Services at Trinity Grammar School. Jessica shares some of the key considerations for supporting the mental health of children who experience bullying behaviour. She discusses how practitioners can open up conversations with children to explore their experiences sensitively. Jessica talks about the importance of moving children away from self-blame and how practitioners can support them to do this. The value of connection and protective nature of relationships for children who have experienced bullying, and how practitioners can facilitate these, is also discussed. The practice strategies shared are also applied to a fictional case study throughout the episode.



In this episode you will learn:

  • key considerations for working with children who experience bullying behaviour [02:01]
  • how to open up a discussion with a child about their bullying experience with sensitivity [03:30]
  • how to support children to move away from self-blame when experiencing bullying [07:52]
  • the importance of building up a child’s sense of connection and self-worth and how to nurture this with them [13:26]
  • how to work with a child to help them build a support team [18:25].


Further information and resources:

Online courses

Understanding childhood bullying and mental health

Practice strategies for childhood



Childhood bullying and mental health – part one

Childhood bullying and mental health – part two

Supporting children who engage in bullying



Working with children who are experiencing or engaging in bullying behaviour


Practice papers

Key considerations for practitioners responding to childhood bullying

Primary health support for bullying in the middle years: Learnings for practitioners

Working with families to prevent bullying

Exploring bullying in context: Children’s relationships, friendships and social functioning

Supporting families to navigate school responses to bullying

Identifying and responding to bullying in the pre-teen years: The role of primary health care practitioners


Resources for parents and families

Supporting a child who has experienced bullying


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