Supporting family and child mental health in the face of severe weather events and disasters

Child Family Community Australia & Emerging Minds, Australia, February 2024

Related to Child mental health

Co-produced with Child Family Community Australia (CFCA), this webinar explores the complex interplay of factors that can support or disrupt the wellbeing of whole families following a severe weather event or disaster, and how these factors in turn affect infant and child mental health. From practice and lived-experience perspectives, the panellists discusses evidence-informed approaches of how best to support children and families in the weeks, months and years following these events.

This webinar will help you:

  • recognise the factors that affect the mental health and emotional wellbeing of infants, children and families following a disaster
  • understand the role of the family unit in supporting the recovery of infants and children after a disaster
  • develop awareness of family-focused approaches – including practices within the education context – that can support infants, children, parents, caregivers and the whole family unit after a disaster.

This webinar will interest practitioners working in health, social and community services who have contact with children and families who have experienced severe weather events or a disaster or may experience one in the future.

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