Exploring stories of hope

The practice of exploring stories is as important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today as it has been for 60,000 years. But how many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families are currently able to have these conversations in mainstream services? How can non-Indigenous practitioners provide the opportunities for hopeful and meaningful storytelling within services that are often time-limited, mandated or assessment-based?

The following practice tips and stories have been gathered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait practitioners, who have also shared their experiences in encouraging storytelling and hope in their own work with First Nations children and families. This has come to be known as ‘promising practice’ and is considered important in the provision of culturally sensitive, responsive, accessible and respectful service provision.

The preferred terminology used by Emerging Minds in our resources is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, as guided by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social and Emotional Wellbeing National Consultancy Group.

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