Treatment of young people at risk of developing psychosis: evidence summary

Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation, Australia

This evidence summary details the current research literature on the treatment of young people at risk of developing psychosis.

‘Since the development of criteria used to predict the onset of psychosis, a range of interventions have been trialled for their effectiveness in preventing psychotic disorders, including psychological interventions, antipsychotic medication and omega-3 fatty acid (i.e., fish oil) supplementation.’

The evidence summary covers the following topics:

  • ‘Interventions to prevent psychosis’
  • ‘Guideline recommendations’
  • ‘Cognitive behavioural therapy’
  • ‘Omega-3 fatty acid (fish oil) supplementation’
  • ‘Supportive therapy’
  • ‘Management of other mental health concerns’
  • ‘Treatment approach’
  • ‘Ethical considerations about treatment’
  • ‘Tips when working with young people who meeting the UHR criteria’

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