Webinar | Supporting the mental health of children who experience bullying

Emerging Minds and Mental Health Professionals' Network (MHPN), Australia, May 2023

Co-produced with the Mental Health Professionals’ Network (MHPN), this webinar aims to increase the skills and confidence of mental health professionals in responding to children who experience bullying behaviour.

Learning outcomes:

  • Outline the importance of understanding why bullying occurs.
  • Discuss ways of sensitively exploring with children their experiences of bullying and its impacts.
  • Identify strategies to help children who have experienced bullying reduce feelings of self-blame and increase positive connections and self-perception.
  • Identify ways to help children who experience bullying to build their support team.

Facilitated by Nicole Rollbusch (Practice Development Officer, Emerging Minds), our panellists include:

  • Jess (child and family partner, SA)
  • Jessica Staniland (clinical psychologist, NSW)
  • Hayley Johnston (mental health accredited social worker, SA)

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