Youth Alcohol and Other Drugs Learning Hub

The Centre for Youth AOD Practice Development and Youth Support and Advocacy Service, Australia

Related to Substance use

The Youth AOD Learning Hub, an initiative of the Centre for Youth AOD Practice Development and the Youth Support and Advocacy Service, provides free online courses for professionals working in the youth alcohol and other drug sector to help develop their knowledge and enhance their practice.

The current courses on offer include:

  • ‘Active listening’
  • ‘Blood-borne viruses’
  • ‘Building motivation’
  • ‘Engaging young people’
  • ‘Family and domestic violence’
  • ‘How to be a great youth AOD practitioners’
  • ‘Introduction to adolescent development’
  • ‘Introduction to alcohol and other drugs’
  • ‘Introduction to developmentally sensitive practice’
  • ‘Principles of trauma-informed care’
  • ‘Working with GLBTI young people’

All courses have an expected duration time provided and can also be stopped and resumed at anytime.

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