Educators workshop

This workshop has been designed to help deliver professional development training activities to teachers and child care professionals to develop their knowledge and skills in:

  • Preparing children both practically and psychologically for a potential natural disaster
  • Assisting and protecting children during a natural disaster event; and
  • Identifying emotional and behavioural difficulties in children following a natural disaster event.

The core outcome of the training is for educators to be equipped with the knowledge and skills required to promote resilience and coping, and decrease long-term adverse reactions in children (aged 0-12 years) following a natural disaster event.

This workshop and accompanying activities has been broken into four modules which can be delivered as one full-day workshop, two half-days or a series of four sessions. Modules are anticipated to run for 60-90 minutes each.

The workshop resources comprises of a Facilitator’s Handbook and accompanying presentation slides, discussion/reflection activities, participant handouts and an ‘additional resources’ guide. As the facilitator, it’s best to start by familiarising yourself with the workshop by viewing the Facilitator’s Handbook.

If you’d like to provide any feedback on the workshop and its material, please get in touch via our feedback form.


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