Providing Medium to Long Term Support to Children and Families After a Disaster

Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network, Australia

This resource provides information for professionals on providing medium to long-term support to children and families after disasters. It is relevant to a range of natural and man made disasters.

It includes information on the following topics:

  • 'Providing support'
  • 'Common reactions of young people to a disaster'
  • 'Possible reactions/behaviours in children and adolescents after a disaster'
  • 'Pre-school children'
  • 'Primary school students'
  • 'Adolescents'
  • 'Where can parents find help'
  • 'The role of teachers after a traumatic event'
  • 'Support staff'
  • 'Roles of teachers, support staff and parents in the longer term'
  • 'Ways early childhood and school communities can enhance long-term recovery'

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