How to find connection and belonging in tough times

Runtime 00:18:22
Released 22/4/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
How to find connection and belonging in tough times

Connection to people, a place or culture can make us feel safe and valued, and can enrich our lives. It can also create a sense of shared experiences and understanding, helping us feel like we are part of something that matters.  

Even though connections can be so valuable, it’s not always easy or straightforward to create them. Although in some ways we are more connected than ever through our use of technology, many of us can still feel lonely and isolated. 

In this episode our host Alicia Ranford talks with Masha, a single mother who migrated to Australia alone, and is a survivor of domestic violence. Masha used her connection with spirituality and nature to help her build strength when connection with others people didn’t come easily. She talks about how when she felt alone, this connection with faith and nature actually made it easier to connect and build the relationships that she was seeking with others.

Content warning: This podcast includes the theme of domestic violence. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode, you will hear: 

  • Masha talk about a time when she felt most isolated and what she did to make herself feel less alone [01:49]
  • Masha’s story of finding connection again and how that helped her son [05:18]
  • What Masha wants people to remember when they are struggling to find connection. [12:55]

Further information and resources:

Feeling connection and belonging outside our families

Finding connection beyond family, friends and community

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