Looking after the mental health and wellbeing of children in out-of-home care

Runtime 00:26:15
Released 19/5/23
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Looking after the mental health and wellbeing of children in out-of-home care

There are many reasons why some children are not able to remain living with their birth families and end up spending time in the care of others. Here in Australia, this is referred to as out-of-home care. While it’s intended to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children, out-of-home care can also come with its own set of challenges.  

In this podcast we talk with Meryl Klimczak, who has over 20 years’ experience as a foster mum. Meryl believes that as well as the physical safety being in out-of-home care can offer, it’s also the mental health and wellbeing support that the children in her care receive which helps them thrive.

Content warning: This podcast includes themes of childhood abuse, neglect and suicidal ideation. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode you will hear:

  • Meryl explain the difference between foster carers and kinship carers, and her experience as a foster mum [01:29]
  • how Meryl builds a supportive and nurturing environment for children in her care [07:38]
  • how Meryl learnt to prioritise her own self-care and what strategies she uses [17:03]
  • what Meryl feels is important when looking after the mental health and wellbeing of children that come into her care. [21:03]

Further information and resources:

Raising foster children

Trauma-informed care in child/family welfare services

Out-of-home care: Talking about mental illness with children in your care 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kinship or foster carers: Services

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