MoodGym – Depression and Anxiety (Online Treatment Program)

Australian National University, Australia

Related to Anxiety, Depression

‘MoodGym’ is a free online treatment program for young people aged 18 years and over. It is based on cognitive behaviour and interpersonal therapy and designed as a preventative and self-help tool for young people experiencing mild to moderate levels of depression or anxiety.

At the completion of the MoodGym program you will have:

  • ‘An understanding of how emotions arise, and how they might be modified’
  • ‘Learn how to modify your thinking so that you are less prone to get upset’
  • ‘Pick up a few hints on managing stress’
  • ‘Learn a few things about what influences self-esteem’
  • ‘Develop a better understanding of relationships and how they might be handled’
  • ‘Develop some practical ways to help you cope with difficult events’

The program is free but the user is required to register before starting.

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