Families who have experienced disasters (part three): What happens when you lose your home

Runtime 00:36:46
Released 12/8/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Families who have experienced disasters (part three): What happens when you lose your home

Disasters like floods, bushfires and drought are becoming more frequent and severe across Australia and can leave a lasting impact on the children and families who experience them.  

This episode is part three of a series where we talk with families who have experienced disasters. Over the coming weeks we’ll hear the stories of how they supported themselves and their children, and how they continue to navigate the recovery process.  

In this episode host Nadia speaks with Bron, who survived the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires alongside her husband and two children. Bron shares her family’s story of losing their house, the effects that can have on the family unit, and their journey of recovery after being displaced from their home.

Content warning: This podcast discusses bushfire dangers and survival, as well as traumatic events experienced during a fire. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode you will hear:

  • Bron talk about her families’ experience leading up to and during the disaster [02:07]
  • Bron talk about her families’ experience of displacement and trying to create a safe environment for her children [08:13]
  • Bron share advice and her children’s experience almost 15 years after the disaster [22:25]

Further information and resources:

Families who have experienced disasters (part one): Age-appropriate supports for children

Families who have experienced disasters (part two): Being prepared

In focus: Supporting your child after a bushfire

Looking after your wellbeing following a bushfire

16 tips to support your child’s recovery after a bushfire

Helping your child to prepare for a bushfire

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