Growing up with a parent who experiences mental health difficulties

Runtime 00:20:08
Released 8/5/23
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Growing up with a parent who experiences mental health difficulties

Our childhood experiences often shape who we are and how we view the world. Children who grow up with a parent who experiences mental health difficulties can experience challenges that impact and shape their life. These challenges can help children to develop a greater sense of empathy and understanding, and create strong bonds within families as they work to navigate the ups and downs. 

In this podcast we talk with Abbey Clark. She’s 18 years of age and is generously sharing her experiences of growing up with a father living with mental health difficulties.  

Content warning: This podast includes themes of mental illness, depression, mood disorders. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode you will hear:

  • how Abbey learned her father was experiencing mental health difficulties  [02:14]
  • Abbey talk about the changes she noticed when her father worked to support his mental health [04:07]
  • how coming together as a family helped Abbey and her family heal  [06:24]
  • what Abbey would tell parents experiencing mental health difficulties and how they can talk to their children about it. [13:12]

Further information and resources:

Will they get better? A guide for children of parents recovering from mental illness 

Looking Back: My hidden superpower

Supporting children of parents living with mental illness 

Parenting with mental health difficulties

Getting help when your parent is living with mental illness: a guide for teens

When your parent has a mental illness

Talking to your child’s school: a guide for parents living with mental illness

Talking to your primary school-aged child about your mental health difficulties

Talking to your teenager about your mental health difficulties 

Staying connected to your kids while experiencing mental health difficulties 

Talking to your child about your mental illness

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