How communicating well can keep separated families connected

Runtime 00:25:45
Released 26/2/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
How communicating well can keep separated families connected

Strong parent–child relationships can provide children with safety, connection and a sense of belonging that lays the foundation for their interactions with others into the future.

But relationships within families can be complicated and despite our best intentions they can result in family separation.

It can be hard to navigate through these tricky times but finding ways to talk about connection with our children and young people can help us to understand each other better and work together to feel more connected both within and beyond our families.

In this episode, our host Alicia Ranford talks with Leigh and her daughter Charlotte. Leigh is a mother of two who separated from her husband when she was pregnant with their second child.

Leigh talks to us about how she navigated the separation and her husband’s new relationship while supporting her children to reconnect with their father and build connections with his new family. Charlotte offers her own insights on this time in their lives and how she remains connected to her whole family.

Content warning: This podcast includes themes of family separation and incarceration. If  listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Leigh talk about how she navigated family relationships when the family’s structure changed
  • Charlotte talk about what she valued most when Leigh would talk to her about the changes in their family
  • Leigh share some practical ways that have helped her talk and communicate with her children
  • Charlotte offer advice to young people about communicating with their parents.

Further information and resources from Emerging Minds Families:

Separation and divorce resources

Connection and belonging resources

Connecting and caring for each other in tough times

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