How to talk to children and young people about disordered eating

Runtime 00:14:17
Released 9/10/23
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
How to talk to children and young people about disordered eating

In a society that often places importance on achieving unrealistic body standards, many children and young people struggle with their relationship between food and their bodies.

In this episode, we welcome back Ellen Murray. Ellen is a mental health nurse who supports children and young people who experience disordered eating. She works to repair their relationship with food and also helps them and their families navigate through what can be an incredibly difficult time.

We discuss the underlying factors and signs of disordered eating, healthy habits and how to talk about weight in a that supports children to build positive relationships with their bodies.

Content warning: This podcast includes themes of disordered eating and eating disorders. If listening to this podcast brings up any difficult feelings for you, please seek help from your mental health professional or one of these crisis or support services.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • the difference between the terms eating disorder and disordered eating [00:57]
  • the factors that can contribute to children and young people experiencing disordered eating and how families can create healthy habits by the way they talk about health and weight. [03:35]
  • signs the child or young person in your life may be experiencing disordered eating and the best ways to support them. [06:39]

Further information and resources:

Butterfly Foundation

National Eating Disorders Collaboration

Inside Out Institute for Eating Disorders

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