Staying connected when a parent works away from home

Runtime 00:22:25
Released 29/7/24
Emerging Minds Families
Emerging Minds Families
Staying connected when a parent works away from home

In this episode, host Alicia Ranford talks with Sally. Sally is a mother of three children whose husband spends time away as a fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) worker.  

Sally talks about how she supports her children while her husband is away from their home and the challenges they have navigated through to find family balance.  

Sally also shares creative ways they have found to keep connected as a family and the strong family bond that has formed from their unique situation.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Sally talk about how she found ways to support her children while their father worked away [04:22]
  • Sally shares how communication has played a big role in keeping connected as a family and ways they do this [08:52]
  • Sally talks about the challenges her husband experienced spending long periods away from the family [10:16]
  • How Sally finds time to look after herself and the importance of having a support network [13:09]

Further information and resources:

Parent–child relationship: How positive connections support children’s wellbeing

Support networks: Building support networks for you and your child

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