Working with parents who have had their children removed

Emerging Minds and Mental Health Professionals' Network (MHPN), Australia, March 2021

This webinar outlines the important elements in engaging with parents who have had their children removed, discusses what the research finds is most effective, and offers practical tips for working with disadvantaged parents who may lack confidence, or exhibit ambivalence about meeting with a health practitioner.

It features Child and Family Partner, Rebecca, Jessica Cocks (Social Worker) and Sara McLean (Psychologist), and is facilitated by Dan Moss, Workforce Development Manager at Emerging Minds.

Learning outcomes

At the webinar’s completion, participants will be able to:

  • Outline how practitioners can remain curious to the complexities that have affected the parenting of disadvantaged clients and work in engaging and non stigmatising ways.
  • Discuss how practitioners can build trust with parents that will enable open and honest conversations about how parents might improve their ability to support the social and emotional wellbeing and safety of infants and children who have been removed.
  • Identify examples of what practitioners can do to ensure that their own moral judgments don’t interfere with their ability to have curious and non-stigmatising conversations with parents of children who have been removed.
  • Illustrate examples of how children can still be motivators for change in parents, even where they are not residing with the parent.

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