Books about feelings for babies and toddlers

Zero to Three Website, United States

This US website offers a comprehensive range of books for babies and toddlers regarding feelings and emotions and how to navigate them.

‘Although early childhood is an incredibly joyful time, it is also very common for, babies and toddlers to struggle at times with difficult feelings and experiences. For example, they have to cope with the normal anger and fears that arise as they grow. They may also experience challenging situations such as: being separated from or losing a loved one, moving to a new home or child care, coping with having a new baby join the family, or other changes that cause confusion and sadness. Books can be powerful tools to help young children make sense of these feelings.’

The list of books includes:

  • ‘Exploring feelings’
  • ‘Coping with anger’
  • ‘Fear’
  • ‘Self control’
  • ‘Friendship troubles’
  • ‘Grief and Loss’
  • ‘Divorce’

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